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Trustees prepare to advocate for AISD during Legislative Session

Trustees prepare to advocate for AISD during Legislative Session

January 2023

An important role of school board trustees and school districts is to advocate for their district’s students and staff and the community as a whole. Even before the 2023 Legislative Session began on January 10, Aledo ISD Trustees and administrators met with the district’s local legislators - Senators Drew Springer and Phil King and State Representative Glenn Rogers - to share the legislative priorities of Aledo ISD. 

Members of the board legislative subcommittee - Board Vice President Jessica Brown, Board Secretary Forrest Collins and Board Member David Lear - drafted a list of legislative priorities for Aledo ISD for the 2023 Legislative Session. Included are priorities that fall under the following main categories: protect local control, including the rights of local parents and citizens; protect and increase public school funding; support Texas public school students and educators and permit local parents and citizens to hold their public schools accountable; and require accountability and transparency to Texans for the use of local and state tax dollars.

“People are often surprised to learn how much of our local decision-making is impacted by mandates coming from Austin,” Board Member Lear said. “From property tax rates, to curriculum and testing requirements, to funding calculations, it is important we stay active with our legislators to make sure they understand the priorities of our Bearcat community and the impact their legislation has on our continued success.” 

Said Board Secretary Collins: “The great thing about Aledo ISD is that we have incredible parent involvement, so when we are talking to our legislators about issues that impact our community, they know it’s not just one school board trustee’s opinion. They know we have thousands of parents supporting us who are ready to make phone calls to their legislator in order to create positive change.”

The district will closely follow legislation that would impact Aledo ISD and Texas public schools throughout the 88th Legislative Session that ends on May 29. You can view Aledo ISD’s Legislative Priorities here.

Aledo ISD Legislative Priorities page 1
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