Special Programs Frequently Asked Questions
Special Programs Frequently Asked Questions
Is there anything I should bring with me from my child's current school to assist in transferring to Aledo ISD?
Aledo ISD needs complete records from the previous school district or program serving the student. These records should include, but may not be limited to the current Individual Education Plan (IEP), the most recent Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE), and any other reports which will assist Aledo ISD in identifying the appropriate services for an individual student. The parents can either bring school records from the previous school district or can let the campus know the district the child is moving from and the records will be mailed for faxed to Aledo ISD.
How do you know if a child needs special education services?
To be eligible to receive special education services, a child must meet specific criteria set forth by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). Specifically, it must be determined by an ARD committee.
- the child has a disability and
- demonstrates educational need for specially designed instruction in order to make progress in the educational setting.
What will the process be for my child to start receiving special education services?
If the student has previously received special education services, the Aledo ISD home school of your child will hold a temporary meeting upon the student registering for school so that they may start receiving services immediately.
Another Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee meeting will be held withing 30 school days after the temporary meeting.
If the student has not previously received special education services, but you are concerned that a disability may exist, you may request a meeting at the campus to consider ways to meet the student's needs.
If there is documentation identifying a disability requiring specialized services immediately for the student to be able to attend school, if is recommended that parents contact the campus principal in advance of the time the student is to start school. Reports from hospitals, previous schools and teachers and other sources will be helpful in determining the needs of your child.
Who can I call to get further information?
Contact your school administrator or call the Office of Special Programs at 817-441-5199.