Stadium Usage Rules
In an effort to keep our athletic facilities in excellent condition for our students and community, the following rules and guidelines will apply to all parties using a Middle School's Stadium.
Community members may walk or run on the track when the gates are open and no school activities, including practices, are taking place within the stadium.
Metal cleats are prohibited (exception: track spikes).
Tents, canopies, umbrellas, or other spiked objects are prohibited unless they are secured with sandbags, NO SPIKES are allowed to be driven into turf.
Chairs should not be placed on the track or turf without permission from facility management. Standard chairs with hard or sharp legs are prohibited as they can puncture or damage the synthetic turf or track surface.
Anything with wheels or tires (i.e., bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, strollers, wheelie shoes, and wagons) is not allowed within the stadium or on the track surface at any time.
Any motorized vehicle used in or around the stadium must be approved by the Aledo ISD Athletic Director and Facilities Director prior to usage.
No “Boot Camps” or fitness clubs that charge a fee for participation are allowed to use the stadium.
Food and drinks are not allowed at any time on the field or track. Sunflower seeds, gum, popcorn, or similar food products are especially injurious to the field surface and are never allowed on the track or field, even for a school-sponsored event.
Athletes participating in games or practicing under the supervision of coaches may have water and/or sports drinks appropriate for use at athletic events on the sidelines.
Use of any tobacco products or alcoholic beverages within the stadium (or any school district property) is strictly prohibited.
No pets are allowed at any time within the stadium. The track, field, stands, concession stand, and restroom facilities are all included in this restriction.
The sale of any concession items must be approved in advance by Aledo ISD and conducted in accordance with all concession agreements between Aledo ISD and its approved vendors.
All groups or individuals using a Middle School's Stadium field, track, stands or any other areas of the facility are responsible for the pickup of any trash or litter left at the end of an event. Individuals or groups using any part of a Middle School's Stadium when it is locked or using the facility without expressed permission from Aledo ISD will be trespassing and subject to law enforcement intervention.