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The State of Texas governs the procurement function of all school districts in the state.  Contracts are awarded to vendors in a competitive manner to facilitate the best value for the district.  The Purchasing Department accomplishes this through the development of sound policies and procedures that are required by federal, state, and local statutes as well as best business practices.  We are dedicated to Growing Greatness in all of our students by providing the necessary goods and services to accomplish their learning objectives.

If you are interested in doing business with Aledo ISD, you will need to register as an interested vendor to receive notifications of when we open new bid opportunities.  If you are a current vendor, you will still need to register with this new system in order to receive communications when bid events are issued relating to the goods and services you provide.  The link to our eProcurement System is as follows:

Aledo ISD IonWave

Helpful instructions on how to register can be downloaded from this link:
Vendor Registration Information

Please Note:  Registration does NOT make you an approved vendor.  Approved vendors will be notified with a Notice of Award letter after the Board of Trustees has approved those vendors per each bid.

Employees of Aledo ISD are required to conduct business in an ethical manner and to decline the offer of gifts or favors that might influence, or be construed to influence, any purchase of goods or services utilizing District funds.

Purchasing Information