McAnally Middle School (Middle School #2)
McAnally Middle School
Based on demographic projections, Aledo Middle School will exceed maximum student capacity in one year (2020-2021). The Bearcat Growth Committee addressed the enrollment growth and capacity at the middle school level by building a bond package that includes a new Middle School #2 and a large-scale renovation/expansion of the current Aledo Middle School. Aledo ISD will shift to a 6th-8th grade configuration at the middle school level. Currently, McAnally Intermediate serves all Aledo ISD 6th grade students.
McAnally Middle School (MS#2) will be located on Old Weatherford Road and includes $1.5 million for roadway improvements, which is an included cost in the overall campus amount. Click here to view pictures from the groundbreaking for McAnally Middle School!
Scope of Work
- Architect: Huckabee
- Construction: Satterfield & Pontikes (S&P)
- Grade-level 6-8th Academic Wings (1,200-student capacity)
- Fine arts & athletic facilities sized for Aledo ISD programs
- Old Weatherford Road improvements
- Cost $62,501,000
Tentative Project Schedule
Design: March 2020-October 2020
Procurement: November 2020-December 2020
Construction: January 2021-July 2022
School opens: August 2022
Grades Served: Grades 6-8