Annetta Elementary (Elementary #6)
Annetta Elementary (Elementary #6)
Based on demographic projections, Aledo ISD's maximum elementary school capacity will be exceeded in two years (2021-2022). The new Elementary School #6 will be located on district-owned property on FM 5 in Annetta on the southwest side of the District.
Elementary #6 includes $3.3 million for FM 5 roadway improvements and water/wastewater infrastructure, which is an included cost in the overall campus amount.
Please note: This is an early rendering concept of Elementary #6.
Scope of Work
- Architect: PBK
- Construction: Satterfield & Pontikes (S&P)
- Shared grade-level collaborative learning spaces
- Located on FM 5 across from Annetta Cemetery
- FM 5 road improvements & water/wastewater infrastructure
- Cost $35,858,000
Tentative Project Schedule
Design: January 2020-May 2020
Procurement: May 2020-July 2020
Construction: August 2020-July 2021
School opens: August 2021
Grades Served: Kindergarten-5th grade
FM 5 Widening Project
The portion of FM 5 near the new Annetta Elementary will be widened by TxDOT to help traffic flow around the campus, especially during morning drop off and afternoon pickup times. In preparation for this project, TxDOT tagged and counted all of the trees near this area and then determined that some of those tagged trees will be required to be removed in order to complete the project. The Aledo ISD has and continues to advocate for and work with TxDOT on reducing and keeping to a minimum the total number of trees to be removed along this stretch of road. TxDOT will need to remove 25 of the tagged trees all on the east side of FM 5 and north and south of the new Learners Lane. This includes 20 trees to the north of Learners Lane, 15 of which are 8-10 inches in diameter, and five trees on the south side of Learners Lane. Twenty-one of the 25 trees to be removed are less than 30 inches in diameter. The district will communicate updates on this road construction as dates are confirmed with TxDOT. Please check our website and social media for that information.