2021 Attendance Zone Committee
Board of Trustees Approves New Attendance Zone Maps
March 12, 2021 -- The Aledo ISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously Thursday night to approve new attendance zone boundaries for elementary students for the 2021-2022 school year and for middle school students starting in August of 2022.
The attendance zones were recommended by the district’s Attendance Zone Committee, a group of 39 citizens appointed by the Board who met for more than 10 hours over four meetings to study data about projected enrollment, campus capacity, safety, transportation, infrastructure, planned development and more.
“It really was a districtwide thought process and truly took all of the district kids into consideration,” AZC co-chair Peter Healey said. “That really was one of the primary factors behind our thought process, ‘How can we ensure the best learning environment for the greatest number of kids for the longest time period possible?’
“Every opinion was heard and every concern was voiced, and the committee as a whole did a very good job of hearing out every thought on the matter and taking it all into consideration as we went through the process,” Healey said.
In addition to working with the district’s demographer from Templeton Demographics, AZC members had access to all of the community feedback gathered via an online survey plus the feedback received from the Board of Trustees and fellow AZC members. The AZC analyzed and discussed the feedback and reviewed what adjustments could be made to the proposed initial elementary and middle school maps. Co-chairs Healey and Cynthia Llewellyn also presented and discussed the AZC process and proposed maps twice publicly with the Aledo ISD Board of Trustees.
“What people need to know is the amount of work that went into this and that you went through every scenario that committee members brought up, walked through that and all looked at the results that may bring,” Aledo ISD Trustee Forrest Collins said. “There’s a lot of thought, a lot of effort and a lot of time.”
The areas the AZC most frequently discussed were downtown Aledo as they tried to alleviate traffic congestion as much as possible and also north of Interstate 20 where the current numbers and projected fast growth meant moving students out of both Walsh and McCall elementaries to extend capacities as long as possible.
“We had long discussions about how the proposed zones would impact students north of Interstate 20, and we closely analyzed this area and how we could best and most efficiently use building capacity,” Llewellyn said. “It quickly became clear that the fast growth on the north side of the district makes it impossible to not make a shift in boundaries.”
New attendance zone boundaries are necessary after the passage of the Aledo Bond 2019 proposal that included a new elementary school and new middle school for the district.
Annetta Elementary, the district’s sixth elementary school, will open in August, has a maximum capacity of 889 students and is located off FM 5 south of Interstate 20.
Aledo ISD will open its second middle school named McAnally Middle School, also an Aledo Bond 2019 project, in August 2022, thus the need for middle school attendance zones for the first time ever. McAnally Middle School’s maximum capacity is 1,449 students.
Final Approved Attendance Zone Maps
Aledo ISD Elementary Grandfathering Policy for 2021-2022 School Year
2021 Attendance Zone Committee Purpose
The purpose of the Attendance Zone Committee is to represent the Aledo ISD community in the study of data related to projected student enrollment growth, campus student capacity, safety, transportation, current and planned transportation infrastructure, and geographic location of planned development in the district, in recommending to the Board of Trustees new attendance zones for elementary and middle schools.
2021 Attendance Zone Committee Charge
The Attendance Zone Committee is charged by the Board of Trustees to:
- represent the priorities, expectations, and values of the entire community,
- consider the needs of all of the district’s students,
- listen to and consider questions and feedback from all community members and the Board of Trustees,
- use facts and data to make informed decisions,
- recommend attendance zones that are projected to most efficiently use building capacity for the longest time period possible (given projected student growth), and
- recommend to the Board of Trustees an elementary attendance zone map (effective 2021-2022) and a middle school attendance zone map (effective 2022-2023) for approval by the Board and implementation by the administration.
**Dates and times below are tentative and subject to change
2021 Attendance Zone Committee Schedule**
Meeting/Location | Date | Time |
Attendance Zone Committee Application Open | Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020 | 6 p.m. |
Attendance Zone Committee Applications Due | Friday, Jan. 8, 2021 | 4 p.m. |
Attendance Zone Committee Meeting No. 1 | Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2021 | 6 p.m. |
Attendance Zone Committee Meeting No. 2 | Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2021 | 6 p.m. |
Attendance Zone Committee Meeting No. 3 | Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021 | 6 p.m. |
Attendance Zone Committee Meeting No. 4 | Tuesday, March 9, 2021 | 6 p.m. |
Attendance Zone Committee Members
Cynthia Llewellyn, co-chair | Peter Healey, co-chair | Nancy Bathurst | Claudia Bracero |
Brandon Brinkman | Luella Bullock | Jennifer Churion | Michelle Clary |
Kelly Dishman | Courtney Edwards | Lindsey Flowers | Jeff Haddox |
Stacey Hardwick | Khala Hart | Cody Hughes | Jennifer Lawler |
Cody Lode | Amanda Martin | Andrew McCulloch | Lauren McMurrey |
Catherine Montenegro | Jason Niemela | Laura Pace | Anita Palacios |
Justin Parker | Wessman Peterson | Misti Reed | Dan Reilley |
Erica Rubino | Lori Saunders | Joshua Shelman | Jeremy Thompson |
Katey Thompson | Jeff Turner | Whitney Unterwagner | Frank Urquidez |
Aaron Valencia | Carrie Woychesin | Mark Younger | Deanne Younkin |
2021 Attendance Zone Committee FAQs
For questions regarding topics such as the following listed below, please visit the AISD 2019 Bond webpage here. These topics were addressed during the bond planning process and information was made available to and discussed with the community at that time.
- Demographic projections
- Location of campuses
- Size of campuses
- Configuration of grade levels on campuses
- Considerations for future campuses
- Potential timing of future campuses
- Transportation infrastructure
- How was the AZC picked?
- What is the process for non-survey based feedback on the proposed attendance zones?
- Does the zoning take into account any projections for future developments within district boundaries?
- Will students be grandfathered into their current school?
- If fifth-graders choose to be grandfathered to their current campus for 2020-2021, will they attend the middle school zoned for that campus or the one zoned for their home address in sixth grade?
- Will Walsh, Morningstar, Bella Ranch or some of the other large neighborhoods on the outer edges of the school district’s boundaries remain in Aledo ISD boundaries indefinitely?
- Why can’t everyone north of I-20 go to the new middle school and everyone south go to the current middle school?
- With areas south of I20 growing, would capacity still be an issue for McCall if those north of I20 were to remain at McCall and those south to go to Annetta?
- What was the main determination for the decision that the Morningstar neighborhood will attend McCall Elementary instead of Walsh Elementary?
- Why did the Attendance Zone Committee decide to not do exact feeder schools from elementary to middle school?
- When will the new schools open?
- Why are we moving kids for the second time at the elementary level?
- Will the district be hiring all new staff at the new schools?
- Will all schools have the same technology, benefits, programs, etc.? Will McAnally Middle School have athletics and electives, etc., just like AMS?
- Will the student:teacher ratio stay the same at the elementary level? What is the projected class size in elemen
- Will there be an official vote on this proposed plan?
- Can the feedback of these surveys make changes to the proposal?